Grace Wanjiru Njoroge: Founder of My Ideal Assistant, Kenya

Sep 11, 2024
Grace Wanjiru Njoroge: Founder of My Ideal Assistant, Kenya

Please tell us your name, where your business is located and what is it that you do?

My name is Grace Wanjiru Njoroge. My business is virtual, and I am based in Kenya. I run a virtual assistant company that provides administrative and operational support to small business entrepreneurs and individuals who need help managing their daily tasks.

Tell us about how you got started.

I started my business in 2020 when I noticed a growing demand for virtual assistants. Many businesses and individuals required administrative support but couldn’t afford full-time staff. I began by securing one client, which quickly grew into more, and that’s how my journey began.

What makes your company unique?

We offer a personalized service with a distinct touch that reflects my unique approach. I truly see myself as a partner in productivity, dedicated to helping my clients thrive by providing tailored support. 

No business is without setbacks, can you tell us about a time when you faced a significant setback and how you recovered from it?

One significant challenge I faced was figuring out how to scale my business while maintaining the high level of personalized service. To overcome this, I sought advice from mentors who helped guide my next steps. I then recruited and trained staff to carry forward my vision and deliver the same standard of service that my clients expect.

How do you define success and to what do you attribute your success?

Success, for me, is walking in my purpose and aligning with God’s will. I attribute my success to my passion for seeing others succeed, and the fulfillment that comes from helping my clients reach their goals.

What's next for your business, what will it look like in 5 years?

Looking ahead, I plan to develop a training program for individuals across Africa who want to start and scale their own virtual businesses. In five years, I envision helping many aspiring entrepreneurs achieve success in the virtual space.

What do you think the future holds for Africa-focused entrepreneurs and advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

The future for Africa-focused entrepreneurs is filled with opportunities. My advice to those just starting out is to remain adaptable, focus on providing value, and stay committed to learning and growing through every experience.

Owning a business while balancing a personal life can be challenging; how do you take care of yourself?

I prioritize my well-being by taking quarterly breaks where I go away for two nights to reflect and recharge. I also value exercise, take supplements for energy, and enjoy relaxing weekend drives or hikes to maintain balance.

What is your favorite quote or mantra?  What keeps you going?

My favorite mantra is 'Trust the process.' What drives me is the desire to fulfill my purpose and create a meaningful life for my children. 

What is your favorite app or a business tool that you can't live without

Google Workspace is my go-to tool. It’s user-friendly and integrates seamlessly with other apps, making it essential for running my business efficiently.


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