Luwate Michael Moses Romeo, Founder and Team Leader: Luwate Agro Investments

Aug 14, 2024
 Luwate Michael Moses Romeo, Founder and Team Leader: Luwate Agro Investments

Please tell us your name, where your business is located and what is it that you do?

My name is Luwate Michael Moses Romeo, and I am the founder and team leader of Luwate Agro Investments, based in Buikwe, Uganda. We are a tech-enabled social enterprise dedicated to creating fair and reliable markets for agricultural producers based on transparency. Our work involves sourcing quality fresh produce from farmers, adding value to these products, and delivering them to the market at fair prices.

Tell us about how you got started.

I started Luwate Agro Investments in 2019 out of a passion for transforming Uganda’s agricultural sector and also after seeing my parents struggling to raise us as they were being cheated by Middlemen. Recognizing the challenges faced by smallholder farmers, I sought to create a platform that would empower them through sustainable practices and technology. By leveraging my background in Agriculture, business and technology, I was able to develop a model that improves market access and enhances farmer livelihoods.

What makes your company unique?

Luwate Agro Investments is unique because it integrates technology with agriculture to create a transparent and efficient market system. Our platform not only connects farmers with vendors but we also provide training on sustainable practices and we use advanced technology to optimize production and market access. With this holistic approach, we ensure fair pricing and support for both the economic and environmental well-being of farming communities.  

No business is without setbacks, can you tell us about a time when you faced a significant setback and how you recovered from it?

I remember a moment when some of our major suppliers experienced a severe drought, and this led to a shortage of key agricultural products. This disruption impacted our ability to meet market demands and strained our relationships with vendors and this was a big significant setback to us. To recover, we quickly diversified our supply chain by partnering with additional local farmers and implementing contingency plans for future disruptions. However, this experience taught us the importance of building resilient systems and fostering strong relationships with multiple stakeholders to ensure business continuity.

How do you define success and to what do you attribute your success?

I define success as the positive impact we have on our community and the sustainable growth of our business. Our success is attributed to our commitment to innovation, the support of our dedicated team, and the trust and collaboration of our farming and vendor partners.

What's next for your business, what will it look like in 5 years?

In the next five years, we aim to expand our product portfolio, including new processed agricultural goods, and enter regional markets across East Africa. We plan to enhance our technology infrastructure, scale our operations, and establish ourselves as a leading agricultural brand. Our vision includes growing our network of partners and significantly increasing our impact on farmers’ livelihoods and market access.

What do you think the future holds for Africa-focused entrepreneurs and advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

The future for Africa-focused entrepreneurs is promising, with increasing opportunities for innovation and impact. As the continent continues to develop, there will be more support for startups and greater demand for solutions to local challenges. My advice to new entrepreneurs is to stay resilient, seek mentorship, and continuously adapt to market needs. Building strong networks and embracing technology will be crucial for success.

Owning a business while balancing a personal life can be challenging; how do you take care of yourself?

Balancing personal life with business demands requires intentionality. I prioritize self-care by setting boundaries, scheduling regular breaks, and engaging in activities that make me happy. I also maintain a supportive network of family and friends, which helps me manage stress and stay motivated.

What is your favorite quote or mantra?  What keeps you going?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” This Quote drives me to remain proactive and innovative in our work. The desire to make a positive impact and the support from our team and community keep me motivated and focused on our mission.  

What is your favorite app or a business tool that you can't live without

My favorite business tool is the Internet. It’s essential for staying connected with industry trends, accessing research and resources, and communicating with partners and clients globally. The Internet supports all aspects of my business, from daily operations to strategic planning and networking.


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