Sonko Jamal: Founder and CEO of Kyuka Ventures, Uganda

Oct 02, 2024
Sonko Jamal: Founder and CEO of Kyuka Ventures, Uganda

Please tell us your name, where your business is located and what is it that you do?

My name is Sonko Jamal, and I am the founder and CEO of Kyuka Ventures, based in Kampala, Uganda. We are a tech-enabled social enterprise that recycles plastic waste into clean cooking fuel (Liquefied Petroleum Gas - LPG). Our mission is to provide affordable, sustainable energy solutions to rural communities in Uganda while addressing the pressing issue of plastic waste pollution. Through our patented Soot-Free Reactive Extraction Technology (SFRET), we convert plastic waste into LPG, contributing to environmental conservation, public health improvement, and economic empowerment.

Tell us about how you got started.

Kyuka Ventures was founded in 2020, sparked by a desire to address Uganda’s two critical issues: plastic waste management and energy poverty. I saw firsthand how plastic waste was contributing to pollution, while communities struggled with limited access to clean and affordable cooking fuel. Driven by these challenges, I set out to develop an innovative solution that could address both issues. After researching and working with experts, we developed the Soot-Free Reactive Extraction Technology (SFRET) that converts plastic waste into LPG. The venture started small but has since grown, creating jobs and improving lives in our community.

What makes your company unique?

Kyuka Ventures is unique because we combine social impact, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation. Our patented SFRET technology allows us to transform plastic waste into a valuable resource clean cooking fuel. Unlike traditional waste management models, we also focus on community empowerment by involving marginalized youth and women in the collection and recycling process. Additionally, through our Waste Insure program, we enable slum dwellers to pay for health services using plastic waste, addressing both healthcare access and environmental issues in an innovative way. 

No business is without setbacks, can you tell us about a time when you faced a significant setback and how you recovered from it?

One of the biggest setbacks we faced was during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown restrictions significantly disrupted our operations, particularly our ability to collect plastic waste and distribute LPG. We also saw a sharp decrease in revenue as many of our customers faced economic hardships. However, we quickly adapted by shifting part of our operations to produce reusable masks from recycled materials. This allowed us to not only support frontline workers but also keep the business running. We managed to retain staff, create new income streams, and continue providing services to the community.

How do you define success and to what do you attribute your success?

I define success as making a tangible, positive impact on people’s lives and the environment. Success isn’t just about financial growth but also about how many people we’ve helped gain access to clean energy and healthcare while reducing plastic waste. Our success is largely attributed to the dedication of our team, our innovative technology, and our commitment to community engagement. We’ve been fortunate to partner with great organizations and investors who share our vision of sustainable development, and this collaboration has been critical to our growth.

What's next for your business, what will it look like in 5 years?

In the next five years, Kyuka Ventures will scale its operations to cover all of Uganda and expand into other African markets. Our goal is to increase our plastic waste processing capacity from 8-10 tonnes per month to 20 tonnes per month, providing clean energy to an additional 50,000 households. We plan to establish waste collection hubs in major cities and grow our Waste Insure program to reach 100,000 beneficiaries. By 2029, we aim to become a leading player in Africa’s waste-to-energy sector, contributing significantly to environmental sustainability and community development.

What do you think the future holds for Africa-focused entrepreneurs and advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

Africa-focused entrepreneurs are entering an era of immense opportunity, particularly in sectors like clean energy, agriculture, and technology. The continent’s challenges such as energy access, waste management, and infrastructure also present huge opportunities for innovation. My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to focus on solving real problems in your community, remain adaptable, and build a strong network of mentors and partners. Resilience is key because you will face setbacks, but with persistence and innovation, the opportunities are boundless.

Owning a business while balancing a personal life can be challenging; how do you take care of yourself?

Balancing a business with personal life is definitely challenging, but I make it a point to carve out time for self-care. Exercise is a key part of my routine, helping me to manage stress and stay energized. I also dedicate weekends to spending time with my family and disconnecting from work, which gives me the mental space to recharge. Setting boundaries and managing time effectively has been crucial to maintaining both my well-being and productivity.

What is your favorite quote or mantra?  What keeps you going?

My favorite quote is, "Be the change you wish to see in the world," by Mahatma Gandhi. This reminds me that real, lasting change starts with individual action. Every day, I’m motivated by the impact Kyuka Ventures is making in reducing pollution and improving lives. Knowing that our work is contributing to a cleaner environment and better health for thousands of people keeps me going, even when things get tough. 

What is your favorite app or a business tool that you can't live without

My favorite business tool is Trello. It helps me stay organized by tracking tasks, deadlines, and team projects. As we scale, Trello has been instrumental in keeping our team on the same page and ensuring that everyone knows what they need to do. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that helps us manage everything from field operations to investor meetings efficiently.


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