Tastee cooking oil
Tastee cooking oil

Tastee cooking oil

Tastee cooking oil production company is an Oil production company
from agricultural products like sunflower. Soya beans and groundnuts as
main raw materials and many more others. Started in August 2023 by
Malawi University of Science and Technology graduate in business
management and entrepreneurship.
Looking at different issues in our country and Africa in general we thought of reducing the
issues on resources we are surrrounded with. In Africa especially Malawi we are good at
agriculture producing a lot of agricultural products which can be used to produce materials
we lack like cooking oil , so we thought of using them to in our industrial company to provide
markets for farmers, create jobs for a huge number of unemployed citizens , providing
aproduct that will change health of lots of people even those who couldn't manage ,change
agriculture sector by providing feeds from our byproducts called cake and eradicate poverty
in Malawi as well as Africa.



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