IT FOR GIRLS PROJECT. Integrity Youth Forum Uganda (IFU) is implementing a one year project to empower vulnerable girls living with HIV and unwanted pregnancies with practical computer skills. The project will provide a forum for girls to take part in ICT skills trainings to ensure that they are well equipped with skills that will help them to be innovative and create their own jobs.
The project objectives are majorly but not limited to:
i. To equip 120 vulnerable girls and young mothers with ICT skills by the end of 2021
ii. To support 50% of the trained girls access employable job opportunities.

Justification of the Project/ why the project is important.
According to United Nations Population Fund report 2020, early marriages are estimated at 17%in Uganda but the number could be higher than that since most parents do not report the cases.
According to a Police report, 4,442 cases of defilement were reported between January and April 2020. The Sauti reported 800 cases of sexual abuse between January and May 2020, including increased cases of teenage pregnancy. The above reports clearly indicate the highest level of vulnerability among the affected young girls especially those living in slum areas in towns; since they can no longer continue with school to get employment, the only solution to attaining income is through prostitution which has exposed them to high risks of HIV infections.
It is to this point that Integrity Youth Forum Uganda intends to equip vulnerable girls with practical computer skills which will enable them to financially sustain themselves.
Project Implementation.
The project will target 120 girls aged 14-29 years living in slum areas of Kawempe division Kampala City. Trainings will be held quarterly where by 30 girls will be trained every quarter (Fifteen will be on Morning program and other 15 on afternoon program).
Trainees will undertake a three months course in introduction to Computer and office application to equip them with basic computer skills. The topics covered shall include Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel, Micro soft PowerPoint, Introduction to Internet and finally Digital Marketing. By the end of the training, the trained girls shall have the capacity to seek for jobs that require computer skills as well as marketing their enterprises on different digital platforms like face book, twitter, Instagram as well as seeking for online remote jobs.
On top of acquiring skills, trained girls will also be oriented in other life skills like marketing skills, Career development and Counselling to enable them achieve their goals. IFU will also create a platform where the trained girls can be linked to potential companies for employment.

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