This is a project based on the many accidents that have occured in ZImbabwe to small scale miners. over 200 individuals have lost lives in the country due to lack of knowledge and training on safe ways and lack of sustainable mining.
THis project so far has covered Bulawayo Metropolitan, Chnhoyi, Mhangura in Mashonalanf West and Manicaland targeting small scale miners. It covered safety issues, climate change, regulations, first aid issues and emergency recue operations.
We did not charge exorbitantly for the training. WHat we did and what we are doinfgis making the students pay just for their meals in the 3 day training and for their certificates. Of which the charge was 20USD for the 3 days including their certificate of competence. Competence as there is a written exam and assignments during these days. its more of voluntary work but with a mission to bring avoidable deaths for small scale miners to zero and to reduce unsustainable mining.
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