Mufao Roast Rice is pure and very Authentic, to Prepare it we Utilize traditional and sustainable cooking methods. Maintaining High quality of a product that is safe for human consumption and the Environment. Mufao Roast Rice is convenient, time and Energy saving for busy consumers looking for quick and easy meal options. We are Committed to staying true to our commitment by Producing a 100 % preservative-free Mufao Roast Rice. We focus on delivering a pure and flavorful Mufao Roast Rice. Our priority is quality and safety of our Consumers. Mufao Roast Rice is quick and easy breakfast or snack option for busy individuals. Worry not about Refregration you can enjoy and save as you like.
Powering Young Initiatives is a Youth Focused Climate Change organization working for Young people with young people including the under-represented in Zambia. We work with networks of activists and Eco-entrepreneurs.we recognize and support the next generation of young leaders and inspire them to get involved and act.
Powering Young Initiatives envisions itself as a dynamic, relevant and growing Youth Focused organization
leading actions for Climate Change, Eco-Inclusive Enterprise Development, Gender Inclusive and advocates for Young people to be involved in developing responsive National Sustainable Policies on Climate Change issues that affect themandtheEnvironment.
Our Mission
Powering Young Initiatives commits to promote and Encourage Policy Makers to include young people as experts in developing responsive National Sustainable Policies on the Environment,Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation.
Enabling Objectives
1.Improve access to Information on, climate change accountability and advocacy) – exercise greater control
over resources that have a bearing on these services and access services that are of better quality
2: Strengthen local and National cooperation and constituencies for Biodiversity Conservation
Sustainable Development,Climate Change, Gender Inclusive and Eco-Inclusive Enterprise Development
3:Promote responsive policies and mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation, Clean energy and Smart
4.To save our forests, protect diverse species and fight for the livelihoods and rights of global communities?
Our Values
Inclusion & Climate Justice
Transparency & Accountability
Collaboration & Inspiration
1.Promote Climate Change and Environmental Justice
We advocate and empower individuals to engage in solutions to climate change such as Protection of Biodiversity,Promotion of Clean Energy and Climate Smart Agriculture
2.Climate Change Youth & Children governance and inclusion
We acknowledge contributions of young persons and children as critical agents of change in promoting sustainable development and Climate Change.We applaud their commitment and contribution to climate justice and Action,gender equality and the promotion of culture and inclusion in Decision Making
3.Eco-Inclusive Enterprise Development
We train and empower a diverse group of children/young people with Eco-Inclusive Enterprise Development skills to address environ mental issues, primarily climate change as well ascontributing to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in Zambia
1.Nomination of our Founder & CEO for the position of Country Contact Point in Zambia for COY17 that Took place between 2 nd – 4 th of November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. A YOUNGO event of the official children and youth constituency under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
2. Nomination of PYI By UN Habitant to the 11thSession of the World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland to Speak at the Children and Youth Assembly
3.PYI is a Member of YOUNGO official children and youth constituency under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
4.PYI is a Member of United Nations International Federation of Youth (UN1FY) UN1FY is the Water and
Climate Coalition’s (WCC) official youth constituency, where young people are empowered and provided
with opportunities to explore and design fundamental ideas for organizing bottom-up change.
5. PYI is official Member of Africans Rising a Pan–African Movement of people and organizations,working for justices, Peace and Dignity.
6.PYI is a Member of Friends for Leadership an international network of the next generation leaders and
entrepreneurs, who share the best SDGs practices and working solutions to bring them into effect to our
local communities globally
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