My name is Kimberly Tinotenda Nyamupfukudza, my business is currently located in Zimbabwe , South Africa , Zambia and many other countries. My business is well known as LEEF standing for Ladies Entrepreneurship Empowerment Forum which was mainly started with the aim of teaching women how to become independent and also be able to make money with different skills that are provided for them through various training centers . Tell us about how you got started.
LEEF started in 2018 , we started as a club that allowed women to invest the few cents they gotin their different practises. It started on social media with the aim of making money through savings. It then evolved and added skills training and thus it grew into something bigger and better.
LEEF is unique because it does not only preach about how to be independent or how to attain money but we actually give you a platform to be empowered and also feel the need to empower others around you through skills development and giving back to the community.
Our biggest setback happened during the Covid 19 pandemic where we were forced to change from how we knew to operate to a whole new way, our events and workshops had to change from in person meetings to online platforms like Zoom which was challenging. What got us through was the use of the WhatsApp platform which was much cheaper and easy to navigate, it allowed all the ladies to stay connected , updated and always informed.
Success to me is being better than you were a year ago or two years ago. As much as we measure success through the materialistic items we own , I feel like that can all fade away if it does not come with a changed mentality, hence success is growth and being better than what you were last year, last month and yesterday. I would say success to me is measured by the growth and ability to touch others through your own life and efforts.
LEEF will not only be an organization but rather a center where all women from various walks of life can find comfort , empowerment and growth. LEEF aims at having a security application for women who need help , counselling and all on their mobile phones that also allows them to market their businesses to the world at large just through the use of technology or a single application
African Entrepreneurs are the future of entrepreneurship. It’s through these very entrepreneurs that we see innovation , creativity and many other intriguing skills that we never knew existed. To those starting my advice is , it’s never about how much you make in a day but it’s about how much your idea can produce for you in a year or two years ! If your idea does not scare you then it’s definitely not big enough.
I allow myself to reset always , I got to understand that it’s not always about overworking yourself but it’s more about pouring into yourself as well , you can never pour out of an empty cup ! So take time to reset , rest and fill yourself up.
“Though so simple and straightforward, this mantra played a huge role in my life. When I felt tired, I would look at the sky and be like I haven’t even started, this is just the beginning.
Instagram has connected us to a whole different clientele and has brought us clients who are willing to spend money for actual services.
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